Filming Requests

HBC accepts requests from external companies for activities such as filming scenes for movies, commercial shoots and photography shoots inside our retail businesses.

There is a comprehensive filming policy in place that outlines the terms and conditions of all submitted requests to facilitate these relationships so minimal disruption occurs and at no cost to HBC, its stores, associates and operations.

Please review our filming policy and complete the application form which must be submitted to HBC’s Corporate Communications department. A minimum of three weeks advance notice is required for review and approval of any requests submitted into the Company.

HBC reserves the right to decline filming/photography requests at any time. Statements made in the filming policy are subject to revision at any time and without notice.

Copies of HBC’s filming policy, the application form and additional information are available by clicking on the following links:

HBC's Filming Policy

Filming Request Form

Download and complete the application form. Please email completed forms to for consideration.